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Community Resources

Employment & Unemployment Resources:

Coronavirus & Unemployment Insurance Benefits

Job Opportunities


Call Center

Van Wert County EMA and Van Wert County CERT: call center to assist people with delivery of basic food and supplies that have no other way to get those items. Call 419-623-1095 or 419-623-4177.


Emergency Management:

Rick McCoy - (419) 238-1300


Food Assistance:

Meals on Wheels by Lincolnview Schools: Visit Lincolnview's homepage to find the link to sign up for this program offering meals for students Pre-K through 12 grade. 

First United Methodist Church-Van Wert Co-Op: Food pantry open Monday & Wednesday 1-3, Friday 10-12. 113 W. Central Avenue, Van Wert, Ohio 45891. 419-238-0631, ext. 302. Need to bring identification and bill/proof of address. 

Trinity Friends  Church: Food pantry open Tuesday 12-12 and Thursday 4-5:30. 605 N. Franklin, St., Van Wert, Ohio 45891. 419-238-2788. Can come 2 times per month and need to bring identification and proof of address. 

Wesley United Methodist Church: Community meals held on 2nd Saturday of the month, 5-7 pm, and needs closet. 551 Center St., Van Wert, Ohio 45891. 419-238-6216.

Salvation Army: Food pantry open Tuesday and Thursday, 9-12 and 1-3. 120 N. Cherry St., Van Wert, Ohio, 45891. 419-910-0332. The Salvation Army is delivering food to those that cannot leave their home. Contact them by phone or email to schedule a delivery time. See The Salvation Army of Van Wert Facebook page for additional updates. 


Utility Assistance:

NOCAC: NOCAC has suspended face to face appointments for all HEAP, PIPP, and Emergency Service appointments. Those seeking assistance should still schedule an appointment by scheduling online ( or by calling 1-844-493-1193. Appointments will be conducted by phone from one of the HEAP/Community Service Specialist. Please note that Toledo Edison and AEP have both temporarily suspended shut-offs due to non-payment of bills. The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) extended its winter reconnect order through May 1, 2020. The Winter Reconnect Order helps Ohians reconnect or maintain electric and natural gas service during the heating season between Oct. 14, 2019 and May 1, 2020. 


Free Student Internet

AT&T Access!/   855-220-5211

  • Expanding eligibility based on income and to households participating in National School Lunch Program/Head Start
  • Offering two months of free service to new Access customers who order by April 30, 2020. $5/mo or $10/mo thereafter, depending on your speed.  

Help Lines:

Van Wert Health Dedicated COVID-19 Helpline: 419-203-9161, open 8 am-6 pm.

SAMHSA Disaster Distress Hotline: call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor

Van Wert Health Department: 419-238-0808.

United Way 2-1-1: Dial 2-1-1 to be connected to a free and confidential service that helps connect people to the local resources needed 24/7

Crisis Care Line: 419-238-4641 or 419-238-HELP (4357)

YWCA 24 hour sexual assault/human trafficking hotline: 567-259-9501

Westwood Behavioral Health for Mental Health Crisis: 419-238-3434, available during business hours. After business hours, call 800-567-4673 for help

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

TrevorLifeline: 1-866-488-7386

Veterans Textline: 838255


For further assistance with finding local resources, contact the school social worker, Katlyn Short, at