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Welcome to the home of the Lancers

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Food Services

Food Services Director

Lincolnview utilizes an electronic meal accounting system. Each student has an individual debit account. This system provides greater accuracy, faster service and the confidentiality of a student's eligibility status. It provides a detailed record of the activity on a child's account. We encourage you to keep your child's account current by pre-paying for meals. Account balances are the responsibility of the students and parents.

Our department provides wholesome healthy appetizing food choices for the students and employees in the district at a reasonable cost. These choices contribute to the good nutrition that is so vital to both the mental and physical growth of the students. Our menus are based on the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans and are designed to meet one third of a student's recommended daily allowance of nutrients and calories. The meal pattern consists of five components: meat/meat-alternative foods, vegetables, fruit, bread/grain foods and milk as a beverage. In addition to lunches, we also serve breakfast and a grab-n-go option. Free and reduced-priced lunches are available to those students from families meeting specific income criteria. The applications are available in all Lincolnview offices and on our website.


In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.


Susan Baer

Titles: Cafeteria
Departments: Food Services

Mary Katalenas

Titles: Cafeteria Cashier
Departments: Food Services

Ashley Linser

Titles: Cook
Departments: Food Services

Sherry Lynch

Titles: Food Service Director
Departments: Food Services

Jessica Mack

Titles: Part-time Cook
Departments: Food Services

Lena McGrail-Osbourn

Titles: Cook
Departments: Food Services

Kim Place

Titles: Cook
Departments: Food Services

Dena Smith Strickland

Titles: Cook
Departments: Food Services

Susan Tunis

Titles: Part-time Cook
Departments: Food Services

Lisa VanMetre

Titles: Cook
Departments: Food Services
