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Board of Education



The Schools are yours

The Lincolnview Local School District is governed by the laws of the United States, the State of Ohio, and by the policies established by the local Board of Education.

The Lincolnview Board of Education

The Board of Education is a governing body elected by the citizens of the school district to be legally responsible for the education of the district. The Board is made up of five citizens elected to serve overlapping terms of four years each.


 Current Board Members Years on Board
 Lori Snyder  9
 Mark Zielke  5
 Eric Germann - President 13
 Michelle Gorman - Vice President 11
 Ashley Breese 0
Board Appointed Years
Superintendent (CEO) - Jeffrey T. Snyder
Phone: 419-968-2226, ext. 3208
Treasurer (CFO) - Kaitlyn Edelbrock
Phone: 419-968-2226, ext. 3201


What are the Duties of the Board?

The Board of Education is the policy making body of the school district. The policies which it establishes are executed by the administration and staff of the district.
Policy decisions of the Board are duplicated in the Board Policy Book, copies of which are available to each staff member of the district. Questions concerning “what is policy” are best answered by reading the appropriate manual.

When can the Board hold an Executive Session?

All regular meetings of the Board are open to the public. Closed, executive sessions may be held to consider the following topics: personnel matters, the purchase or sale of property, imminent court action, negotiations, security arrangement, and matters which are confidential under the law (Section 121.11 Ohio Revised Code)

How can matters of concern be brought to the attention of the Board of Education?

Residents of the community may bring an issue to the attention of the Board of Education by completing the appropriate form at the meeting and submitting it to the treasurer. Residents may call or write the Superintendent and request their topic be listed on the prepared agenda. Upon request to the Superintendent, the District shall make reasonable accommodation for a disabled person to be able to participate.

Presentations before the Board of Education

The president of the Board of Education will recognize persons requesting to be heard. If the topic to be discussed is on the board agenda, discussion by members of the audience will be permitted following the introduction of the topic by a member of the Board. Individuals wishing to speak are asked to adhere to the following procedures:

a.)    Complete the approved form and submit it to the treasurer.

b.)    Remarks must be addressed to the Board as a group.

c.)    Individuals will be recognized to speak once on a given topic.

d.)    It shall be in order for Board members to ask the speaker questions or to make comments in order to clarify the topic being      discussed.

e.)    The President may limit each speaker to two (2) minutes.